Manderley Home

Sometimes you are looking for some extra inspiration to get that specific look that you want for your projects and this is the intention of this weekly series.

See the featured designers with their latest projects and leave us your comments! We’d love to know your opinion.


“Our design team can take your home to the next level so that you will never want to leave it. 

We start by understanding your lifestyle, even if that means eating red popsicles on the sofa, because a beautiful life can be a messy life!  Next we spend time figuring out your style, so that we can create a design aesthetic to reflect your personality. We keep things light, bright, youthful and modern and toss in a bit of fun and fashion because that’s the Manderley way!  Our favorite part of the process is design presentation day: offering several design options, laying out sample fabrics, showing you design renderings and mood boards.”


Hey! If you got here, we have a new product just for you! Book a Call to know what is this about


History of Interior Design


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