Eneia White

About her…

Eneia White was born and raised in a small suburb between Baltimore, Maryland and Washington, D.C.,  Eneia grew up in one of the most diverse cities in America, grooming her early appreciation for learning through cultural diversity. Earning her Bachelor of Fine Arts in Interior Design from The Art Institute of Washington, Eneia has a strong understanding of the technical side of the design process, bridging the gap between innovative ideas and dissecting the details of how successful spaces are built. 

Eneia developed her craft under the instruction of high-end designers and architects in Washington, D.C., Los Angeles and New York. Residing and practicing design across the country has given Eneia a unique perspective into how culture, location and environment shapes the client's lifestyle and needs. 


Launched in 2018, EWI was formed based on the idea of offering a professional design service, extending dynamic concepts to her clients in a comfortable environment. She places a high value on the need for support, clear communication and offering each client the opportunity to enjoy the complete transformation of their space from start to finish.

Eneia currently resides in Queens, New York. When she's not designing interiors, she enjoys building and collecting miniature dollhouses, reading and trying out one of the latest restaurants the city has to offer.



“My main goal when designing spaces is to bring a unique flavor to classic silhouettes. This can be achieved through texture, a fun floor plan arrangement or an interesting color palette”


What Makes Her Unique?

"I am passionate about ensuring each client feels special throughout the entire phase of the design process. I pride myself on pushing the envelope with fresh ideas, cutting-edge products and smart design"

Her favorite part of the design process is getting to know the client, really understanding what they are communicating verbally and non verbally to deliver an end result they feel represents their aesthetic.


Fun Facts 

When she first started her business, she didn’t have large enough budgets to offer 3D renderings, so she started sketching my design concepts out for my presentations. She also used them for Instagram content, and this definitely helped her make a splash within her Instagram community! 

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Big Wins

Eneia is no longer working solo!

With so many moving pieces, new leads and projects underway, she figured the best thing she could do for the business was hire. So, now they are a team of 2 and developing a process that works for them.



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Social Media

Pinterest: Eneia White Interiors eneiawhiteint

Facebook: Eneia White Interiors 

Instagram: @eneiawhiteinteriors

Website: www.eneiawhite.com

We Serve Busy Interior Designers With 100% Accurate Photo-Realistic
3D Renderings Of Their Creative Designs...

We make you and your clients proud, confident
and empowered at every step of the design process.


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